sum of one-Dimensional array elements in java

One-Dimensional Arrays is one of the basic and the commonly asked questions in the Technical Interviews. 

Problem Statement: 

Java program to read ‘N’ array elements from One dimensional Array and print the sum of all array elements

Solution Approach:

What we need to consider here

  • One-Dimensional Array with array size
  • Array Element Iteration
  • Add the array element
  • Display the sum of all array elements

The below given problem provides the technical solution of reading array N elements and printing the array element sum

import java.util.Scanner;

public class OneDimArrayElementSum {
	public static void main(String args[])
		// Scanner object for eading User Input
		Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
		int count,arrayElemntSum = 0;
		// Receive the Array Element Count from User
		System.out.print("Provide the Array Element Count : ");
		// Receive the Array Elements from User.
		count = scan.nextInt();
		int arrayInputFromUser[] = new int[count];
		System.out.println("Enter the elements:");
		// Iterate the array elements
		for (int incr=0; incr<count; incr++)
			arrayInputFromUser[incr] = scan.nextInt();
		for( int arrayElementValue : arrayInputFromUser) 
			arrayElemntSum = arrayElemntSum + arrayElementValue;
		// print the sum of all array elements.
		System.out.println(" ::::Sum of One Dimensional N Array Elements is :::::" +arrayElemntSum);

One-Dimensional Array Program Output: 

Provide the Array Element Count : 4
Enter the elements:
::::Sum of One Dimensional N Array Elements is :::::92

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