Provide important differences between a daemon thread and user thread in java?

If you are learning multithreading in java , then you should also know the important differences between a daemon thread and user thread in java. Daemon Thread vs User thread comparison in java is one of the popular multithreading interview questions asked by the interviewers .  

User threads are high priority threads that always run in the foreground, while daemon threads have a low priority and always run in the background. Daemon threads are intended to conduct supporting activities, whereas user threads or non-Daemon are designed to do unique or difficult tasks.

Difference Between Daemon Threads And User Threads In Java

JVM waits for User Thread to finish but does not wait for Daemon thread to finish: The primary difference between daemon and user threads is that the JVM will wait for any active user thread rather than waiting for a daemon thread to complete its duty.

Thread Priority : The User threads are considered as HIGH Priority threads as compared to Daemon threads and thus User threads are provided with by CPU allocation

Thread creation purpose: The application often creates a user thread so that multiple tasks can be carried out simultaneously. On the other hand, JVM often creates daemon threads for garbage collection, finalizer, Action Listeners, Signal dispatches, etc.

Thread termination: If all user threads have completed execution then , the JVM will force the daemon thread to end. A user thread can continue to execute till the task completion while the JVM is active, but a daemon thread cannot as a deamon thread life dependent on the user thread task completion .

Thread usage : There are no crucial tasks performed by the daemon threads. Every significant task is completed by user threads. Typically, a daemon thread is utilized for various background, non-critical operations.

public class planforexams_DaemonThread extends Thread
	String site;
	public planforexams_DaemonThread(String name){
		site = name;

	public void run()
			System.out.println(s + " is a Daemon Thread");
			System.out.println(s + " is a User Thread");
	public static void main(String[] args)
		planforexams_DaemonThread threadOne = new planforexams_DaemonThread(" Thread One ");
		planforexams_DaemonThread threadTwo = new planforexams_DaemonThread(" Thread Two ");
		planforexams_DaemonThread threadThree = new planforexams_DaemonThread(" Thread Three ");


The below given is the detailed explanation provided for the  differences between a daemon thread and user thread in java. 

Daemon Thread vs User Threads in Java

Daemon Threads in Java   User Threads in Java 
The daemon threads’ work will not be delayed by the JVM. Once all user threads have completed their work, the JVM will shut down.JVM waits for user threads to complete their tasks. It won’t end until all user threads have completed their tasks
Upon completion of all user threads’ tasks, JVM will compel the daemon threads to terminate.JVM will wait for user threads to automatically terminate
Daemon threads are LOW priority threadsUser threads are HIGH priority threads
Daemon threads are BACKGROUND threadsUser threads are FOREGROUND threads
Daemon threads created by the JVMUser threads are created by the APPLICATION
User threads are supported by daemon threads by design.User threads are typically created to do execute a particular application task
Daemon threads life depends on the user threads as they gets terminated once user thread is completed User Threads life is independent and continue till the particular task is not completed

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