Common English Words – How to spell – Set 1



Are you finding it difficult to understand the english spellings check  and meaning ? This has been noticed as the common challenge for many of us. The below given blog provides the set of words with the meanings to make it easy for you to spell and learn.

   S. No Word Meaning How to Spell
1 Perilous unstable [ per-uh-luhs ]
2 Plenteous abundant [ plen-tee-uhs ]
3 Affluent prosperous , opulent [ af-loo-uhnt or, often, uh-floo- ]
4 Hazardous haphazard, wicked [ haz-er-duhs ]
5 Precarious ambiguous, equivocal, unreliable [ pri-kair-ee-uhs ]
6 Rugged lumpy, unsmooth [ ruhg-id ]
7 Treacherous deceptive, faithless [ trech-er-uhs ]
8 Vulnerable sensitive [ vuhl-ner-uh-buh l ]
9 Galore plentiful [ guh-lawr, -lohr ]
10 Wicked Hazardous [ wik-id ]
11 Plenitudinous lavish , luxuriant [ plen-i-tood-n-uh s, -tyood- ]
12 Squander consume [ skwon-der ]
13 Truculent aggressive, abusive [ truhk-yuh-luhnt, troo-kyuh- ]
14 Obstinate convinced, adamant [ ob-stuh-nit ]
15 Provocative annoying , outrageous [ pruh-vok-uh-tiv ]
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